Cerne: Implementation and certification of the model for business incubators
Cerne: Implementation and certification of the model for business incubators

Implementation and certification projects of the CERNE model to qualify and train business incubators to generate high-value-added ventures.

Its adoption brings numerous benefits to the incubator:

  • Reduced variability of results
  • Expansion of the quantity and quality of incubated enterprises
  • Increased transparency
  • Standardization of incubator management processes
  • Increasing the success rate of ventures

The principles of the Cerne model are based on regional development and the sustainability of the incubator

  • REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: the projects generated must produce positive effects on the development of the region.
  • INNOVATION: supported enterprises need to differentiate themselves from existing businesses in the region.
  • NETWORKING: Integration with other actors in the region’s innovation ecosystem is necessary.
  • SUSTAINABILITY: Be economically viable, socially fair and environmentally correct.
  • EFFECTIVENESS: It must be effective (ability to achieve objectives) and efficient (use available resources well).

For each stage of maturity of the incubator, Cerne’s proposal is to be a guide for the sustainable development of its operation.

V&F Tec is the only company on the market with a complete portfolio of Cerne solutions.

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