The logistics sector encompasses the entire transport chain of products, people and services, connecting suppliers and consumers. The main modes involve road, airport, port, rail and urban mobility. In addition to transportation, storage, movement and delivery are also part of the chain.
Its main function is to guarantee the delivery of products and services to the consumer, within deadlines and quality expectations.
Within the Lean philosophy, no matter how essential it is, transportation is always seen as a waste. Therefore, all investments in the sector always focus on reducing costs, which should impact the entire production chain, from supplier to consumer. The search for innovation and technological modernization are essential vectors in the search for efficiency, whether through digitalization or process automation.
Valor & Foco has a portfolio of more than 40 projects for the logistics sector, which involve economic-financial modeling, feasibility, cost systems and projections of demand scenarios to open new markets or renew public concessions.